Antonyms of adj a_posteriori

2 senses of a posteriori

Sense 1
a posteriori (vs. a priori) -- (involving reasoning from facts or particulars to general principles or from effects to causes; "a posteriori demonstration")

a priori (vs. a posteriori) -- (involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to a necessary effect; not supported by fact; "an a priori judgment")

Sense 2
a posteriori -- (requiring evidence for validation or support)

INDIRECT (VIA empirical) -> theoretical, theoretic -- (concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations; "theoretical science")

Similarity of adj a_posteriori

2 senses of a posteriori

Sense 1
a posteriori (vs. a priori) -- (involving reasoning from facts or particulars to general principles or from effects to causes; "a posteriori demonstration")
          Also See-> inductive#2; synthetic#4, synthetical#2

Sense 2
a posteriori -- (requiring evidence for validation or support)
       => empirical (vs. theoretical), empiric -- (derived from experiment and observation rather than theory; "an empirical basis for an ethical theory"; "empirical laws"; "empirical data"; "an empirical treatment of a disease about which little is known")

Antonyms of adv a_posteriori

1 sense of a posteriori

Sense 1
a posteriori -- (derived from observed facts)
       Antonym of a priori (Sense 1)
      => a priori -- (derived by logic, without observed facts)

Synonyms of adv a_posteriori

1 sense of a posteriori

Sense 1
a posteriori -- (derived from observed facts)

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