Antonyms of verb abduct

1 of 2 senses of abduct

Sense 2
abduct -- (pull away from the body; "this muscle abducts")
       Antonym of adduct (Sense 1)
      => adduct -- (draw a limb towards the body; "adduct the thigh muscle")

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb abduct

2 senses of abduct

Sense 1
kidnap, nobble, abduct, snatch -- (take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom; "The industrialist's son was kidnapped")
       => seize -- (take or capture by force; "The terrorists seized the politicians"; "The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages")

Sense 2
abduct -- (pull away from the body; "this muscle abducts")
       => pull, draw, force -- (cause to move by pulling; "draw a wagon"; "pull a sled")

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