Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun badgering

1 sense of badgering

Sense 1
badgering, worrying, torment, bedevilment -- (the act of harassing someone)
       => harassment, molestation -- (the act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism)

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb badger

2 senses of badger

Sense 1
tease, badger, pester, bug, beleaguer -- (annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer")
       => torment, rag, bedevil, crucify, dun, frustrate -- (treat cruelly; "The children tormented the stuttering teacher")

Sense 2
badger -- (persuade through constant efforts)
       => persuade -- (cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm; "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!")

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