Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb bow

5 senses of bow

Sense 1
bow, bow down -- (bend one's knee or body, or lower one's head; "He bowed before the King"; "She bowed her head in shame")
       => gesticulate, gesture, motion -- (show, express or direct through movement; "He gestured his desire to leave")

Sense 2
submit, bow, defer, accede, give in -- (yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure")
       => yield, give in, succumb, knuckle under, buckle under -- (consent reluctantly)

Sense 3
bow -- (bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting; "He bowed before the King")
       => change posture -- (undergo a change in bodily posture)
          Phrasal Verb-> bow down#1

Sense 4
crouch, stoop, bend, bow -- (bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse")
       => bend, flex -- (form a curve; "The stick does not bend")

Sense 5
bow -- (play on a string instrument with a bow)
       => play -- (play on an instrument; "The band played all night long")

Antonyms of adj bowed

4 senses of bowed

Sense 1
bowed (vs. plucked) -- (of a stringed instrument; sounded by stroking with a bow)

plucked (vs. bowed) -- (of a stringed instrument; sounded with the fingers or a plectrum)
        => pizzicato -- ((of instruments in the violin family) to be plucked with the finger)

Sense 2
arced, arched, arching, arciform, arcuate, bowed -- (forming or resembling an arch; "an arched ceiling")

INDIRECT (VIA curved) -> straight -- (free from curves or angles; "a straight line")

Sense 3
bandy, bandy-legged, bowed, bowleg, bowlegged -- (have legs that curve outward at the knees)

INDIRECT (VIA unfit) -> fit -- (physically and mentally sound or healthy; "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise")

Sense 4
bowed, bowing -- (showing an excessively deferential manner)

INDIRECT (VIA submissive) -> domineering -- (tending to domineer)

Similarity of adj bowed

4 senses of bowed

Sense 1
bowed (vs. plucked) -- (of a stringed instrument; sounded by stroking with a bow)
       => arco -- ((of instruments in the violin family) to be played with the bow)

Sense 2
arced, arched, arching, arciform, arcuate, bowed -- (forming or resembling an arch; "an arched ceiling")
       => curved (vs. straight), curving -- (having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend; "the curved tusks of a walrus"; "his curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard")

Sense 3
bandy, bandy-legged, bowed, bowleg, bowlegged -- (have legs that curve outward at the knees)
       => unfit (vs. fit) -- (not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition; "fat and very unfit"; "certified as unfit for army service"; "drunk and unfit for service")

Sense 4
bowed, bowing -- (showing an excessively deferential manner)
       => submissive (vs. domineering) -- (inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination; "submissive servants"; "a submissive reply"; "replacing troublemakers with more submissive people")

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