Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun commune

2 senses of commune

Sense 1
commune -- (the smallest administrative district of several European countries)
       => administrative district, administrative division, territorial division -- (a district defined for administrative purposes)

Sense 2
commune -- (a body of people or families living together and sharing everything)
       => gathering, assemblage -- (a group of persons together in one place)

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb commune

2 senses of commune

Sense 1
commune -- (communicate intimately with; be in a state of heightened, intimate receptivity; "He seemed to commune with nature")
       => communicate, intercommunicate -- (transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist")

Sense 2
commune, communicate -- (receive Communion, in the Catholic church)
       => covenant -- (enter into a covenant or formal agreement; "They covenanted with Judas for 30 pieces of silver"; "The nations covenanted to fight terrorism around the world")

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