Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun cream

3 senses of cream

Sense 1
cream, pick -- (the best people or things in a group; "the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War")
       => elite, elite group -- (a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status)

Sense 2
cream -- (the part of milk containing the butterfat)
       => dairy product -- (milk and butter and cheese)

Sense 3
cream, ointment, emollient -- (toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin)
       => toiletry, toilet articles -- (artifacts used in making your toilet (washing and taking care of your body))

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb cream

5 senses of cream

Sense 1
cream -- (make creamy by beating; "Cream the butter")
       => beat, scramble -- (stir vigorously; "beat the egg whites"; "beat the cream")

Sense 2
cream, bat, clobber, drub, thrash, lick -- (beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight; "We licked the other team on Sunday!")
       => beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish -- (come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game")

Sense 3
cream -- (put on cream, as on one's face or body; "She creams her face every night")
       => put on, apply -- (apply to a surface; "She applied paint to the back of the house"; "Put on make-up!")

Sense 4
skim, skim off, cream off, cream -- (remove from the surface; "skim cream from the surface of milk")
       => remove, take, take away, withdraw -- (remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment")
          Phrasal Verb-> cream off#2

Sense 5
cream -- (add cream to one's coffee, for example)
       => modify -- (make less severe or harsh or extreme; "please modify this letter to make it more polite"; "he modified his views on same-gender marriage")

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