Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun discovery

4 senses of discovery

Sense 1
discovery, find, uncovering -- (the act of discovering something)
       => act, deed, human action, human activity -- (something that people do or cause to happen)

Sense 2
discovery -- (something that is discovered)
       => disclosure, revelation, revealing -- (the speech act of making something evident)

Sense 3
discovery, breakthrough, find -- (a productive insight)
       => insight, brainstorm, brainwave -- (the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation)

Sense 4
discovery -- ((law) compulsory pretrial disclosure of documents relevant to a case; enables one side in a litigation to elicit information from the other side concerning the facts in the case)
       => disclosure, revelation, revealing -- (the speech act of making something evident)

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