Antonyms of adj double-barrelled

2 senses of double-barrelled

Sense 1
double-barreled (vs. single-barreled), double-barrelled -- (having two barrels mounted side by side; "a double-barreled shotgun")

Sense 2
double-barreled, double-barrelled -- (having two purposes; twofold; "our double-barreled desire to make things profitable as well as attractive"- Louis Kronenbergers)

INDIRECT (VIA ambiguous) -> unambiguous -- (having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning; "As a horror, absolutely unambiguous"- Mario Vargas Llosa)

Similarity of adj double-barrelled

2 senses of double-barrelled

Sense 1
double-barreled (vs. single-barreled), double-barrelled -- (having two barrels mounted side by side; "a double-barreled shotgun")

Sense 2
double-barreled, double-barrelled -- (having two purposes; twofold; "our double-barreled desire to make things profitable as well as attractive"- Louis Kronenbergers)
       => ambiguous (vs. unambiguous) -- (having more than one possible meaning; "ambiguous words"; "frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy")

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