Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun mum

3 senses of mum

Sense 1
florist's chrysanthemum, florists' chrysanthemum, mum, Dendranthema grandifloruom, Chrysanthemum morifolium -- (of China)
       => chrysanthemum -- (any of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum, Argyranthemum, Dendranthema, Tanacetum; widely cultivated)

Sense 2
ma, mama, mamma, mom, momma, mommy, mammy, mum, mummy -- (informal terms for a mother)
       => mother, female parent -- (a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother); "the mother of three children")

Sense 3
mum -- (secrecy; "mum's the word")
       => secrecy, secretiveness, silence -- (the trait of keeping things secret)

Antonyms of adj mum

1 sense of mum

Sense 1
mum, silent -- (failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to; "the witness remained silent")

INDIRECT (VIA uncommunicative) -> communicative, communicatory -- (able or tending to communicate; "was a communicative person and quickly told all she knew"- W.M.Thackeray)

Similarity of adj mum

1 sense of mum

Sense 1
mum, silent -- (failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to; "the witness remained silent")
       => uncommunicative (vs. communicative), incommunicative -- (not inclined to talk or give information or express opinions)

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