Antonyms of adj self-confessed

1 sense of self-confessed

Sense 1
self-confessed (prenominal) -- (owned up to; "his admitted doubts"; "the conceded error"; "a confessed murderer"; "a self-confessed plagiarist")

INDIRECT (VIA acknowledged) -> unacknowledged -- (not recognized or admitted)

Similarity of adj self-confessed

1 sense of self-confessed

Sense 1
self-confessed (prenominal) -- (owned up to; "his admitted doubts"; "the conceded error"; "a confessed murderer"; "a self-confessed plagiarist")
       => acknowledged (vs. unacknowledged) -- (recognized or made known or admitted; "the acknowledged leader of the community"; "a woman of acknowledged accomplishments"; "his acknowledged error")

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