Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb separate

13 senses of separate

Sense 1
separate, divide -- (act as a barrier between; stand between; "The mountain range divides the two countries")

Sense 2
separate, disunite, divide, part -- (force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea")
       => move, displace -- (cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant")

Sense 3
distinguish, separate, differentiate, secern, secernate, severalize, severalise, tell, tell apart -- (mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple")
       => identify, place -- (recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something; "She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster")

Sense 4
divide, split, split up, separate, dissever, carve up -- (separate into parts or portions; "divide the cake into three equal parts"; "The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I")
       => change integrity -- (change in physical make-up)

Sense 5
separate -- (divide into components or constituents; "Separate the wheat from the chaff")
       => change integrity -- (change in physical make-up)

Sense 6
classify, class, sort, assort, sort out, separate -- (arrange or order by classes or categories; "How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?")
       => categorize, categorise -- (place into or assign to a category; "Children learn early on to categorize")

Sense 7
separate, divide -- (make a division or separation)

Sense 8
separate, part, split up, split, break, break up -- (discontinue an association or relation; go different ways; "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and I split up")

Sense 9
separate, part, split -- (go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party")
       => move -- (move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right")

Sense 10
break, separate, split up, fall apart, come apart -- (become separated into pieces or fragments; "The figurine broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart")
       => change integrity -- (change in physical make-up)

Sense 11
discriminate, separate, single out -- (treat differently on the basis of sex or race)
       => distinguish, separate, differentiate, secern, secernate, severalize, severalise, tell, tell apart -- (mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple")

Sense 12
separate, divide, part -- (come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated")
       => change -- (undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night")

Sense 13
branch, ramify, fork, furcate, separate -- (divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; "The road forks")
       => diverge -- (move or draw apart; "The two paths diverge here")

Antonyms of adj separated

4 senses of separated

Sense 1
detached, isolated, separated, set-apart -- (being or feeling set or kept apart from others; "she felt detached from the group"; "could not remain the isolated figure he had been"- Sherwood Anderson; "thought of herself as alone and separated from the others"; "had a set-apart feeling")

INDIRECT (VIA separate) -> joint -- (united or combined; "a joint session of Congress"; "joint owners")

Sense 2
separated, spaced -- (spaced apart)

INDIRECT (VIA distributed) -> concentrated -- (gathered together or made less diffuse; "their concentrated efforts"; "his concentrated attention"; "concentrated study"; "a narrow thread of concentrated ore")

Sense 3
disjointed, dislocated, separated -- (separated at the joint; "a dislocated knee"; "a separated shoulder")

INDIRECT (VIA injured) -> uninjured -- (not injured physically or mentally)

Sense 4
detached, separated -- (no longer connected or joined; "a detached part"; "on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached"; "the separated spacecraft will return to their home bases")

INDIRECT (VIA unconnected) -> connected -- (joined or linked together)

Similarity of adj separated

4 senses of separated

Sense 1
detached, isolated, separated, set-apart -- (being or feeling set or kept apart from others; "she felt detached from the group"; "could not remain the isolated figure he had been"- Sherwood Anderson; "thought of herself as alone and separated from the others"; "had a set-apart feeling")
       => separate (vs. joint) -- (independent; not united or joint; "a problem consisting of two separate issues"; "they went their separate ways"; "formed a separate church")

Sense 2
separated, spaced -- (spaced apart)
       => distributed (vs. concentrated) -- (spread out or scattered about or divided up)

Sense 3
disjointed, dislocated, separated -- (separated at the joint; "a dislocated knee"; "a separated shoulder")
       => injured (vs. uninjured) -- (harmed; "injured soldiers"; "injured feelings")

Sense 4
detached, separated -- (no longer connected or joined; "a detached part"; "on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached"; "the separated spacecraft will return to their home bases")
       => unconnected (vs. connected) -- (not joined or linked together)

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