Antonyms of adj sibylline

2 senses of sibylline

Sense 1
divinatory, mantic, sibylline, sibyllic, vatic, vatical -- (resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy; "the high priest's divinatory pronouncement"; "mantic powers"; "a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions")

INDIRECT (VIA prophetic) -> unprophetic -- (not prophetic; not foreseeing correctly)

Sense 2
cabalistic, kabbalistic, qabalistic, cryptic, cryptical, sibylline -- (having a secret or hidden meaning; "cabalistic symbols engraved in stone"; "cryptic writings"; "thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements"- John Gunther)

INDIRECT (VIA esoteric) -> exoteric -- (suitable for the general public; "writings of an exoteric nature")

Similarity of adj sibylline

2 senses of sibylline

Sense 1
divinatory, mantic, sibylline, sibyllic, vatic, vatical -- (resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy; "the high priest's divinatory pronouncement"; "mantic powers"; "a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions")
       => prophetic (vs. unprophetic), prophetical -- (foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention; "prophetic writings"; "prophetic powers"; "words that proved prophetic")

Sense 2
cabalistic, kabbalistic, qabalistic, cryptic, cryptical, sibylline -- (having a secret or hidden meaning; "cabalistic symbols engraved in stone"; "cryptic writings"; "thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements"- John Gunther)
       => esoteric (vs. exoteric) -- (confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle; "a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories")

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