Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun sulkiness

3 senses of sulkiness

Sense 1
sulk, sulkiness -- (a mood or display of sullen aloofness or withdrawal; "stayed home in a sulk")
       => temper, mood, humor, humour -- (a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor")

Sense 2
sulkiness, huffishness -- (a feeling of sulky resentment)
       => resentment, bitterness, gall, rancor, rancour -- (a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will)

Sense 3
sulkiness, sullenness, moroseness, sourness -- (a sullen moody resentful disposition)
       => ill nature -- (a disagreeable, irritable, or malevolent disposition)

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