Antonyms of verb unburden

1 of 2 senses of unburden

Sense 2
unburden, disburden -- (take the burden off; remove the burden from; "unburden the donkey")
       Antonym of burden (Sense 1)
      => burden, burthen, weight, weight down -- (weight down with a load)

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb unburden

2 senses of unburden

Sense 1
unburden -- (free or relieve (someone) of a burden)
       => take -- (take into one's possession; "We are taking an orphan from Romania"; "I'll take three salmon steaks")

Sense 2
unburden, disburden -- (take the burden off; remove the burden from; "unburden the donkey")
       => remove, take, take away, withdraw -- (remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment")

Antonyms of adj unburdened

2 senses of unburdened

Sense 1
unburdened (vs. burdened) -- (not burdened with difficulties or responsibilities; "unburdened by an overarching theory"- Alex Inkeles)

burdened (vs. unburdened) -- (bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilities; "she always felt burdened by the load of paper work")
        => bowed down (predicate), loaded down (predicate), overburdened, weighed down (predicate) -- (heavily burdened with work or cares; "bowed down with troubles"; "found himself loaded down with responsibilities"; "overburdened social workers"; "weighed down with cares")
        => laden, oppressed -- (burdened psychologically or mentally; "laden with grief"; "oppressed by a sense of failure")
        => saddled -- (subject to an imposed burden; "left me saddled with the bill"; "found himself saddled with more responsibility than power")

Sense 2
burdenless, unburdened -- (not encumbered with a physical burden or load)

INDIRECT (VIA unencumbered) -> encumbered -- (loaded to excess or impeded by a heavy load; "a summer resort...encumbered with great clapboard-and-stucco hotels"- A.J.Liebling; "a hiker encumbered with a heavy backpack"; "an encumbered estate")

Similarity of adj unburdened

2 senses of unburdened

Sense 1
unburdened (vs. burdened) -- (not burdened with difficulties or responsibilities; "unburdened by an overarching theory"- Alex Inkeles)
       => unencumbered -- (not burdened with cares or responsibilities; "living an unencumbered life")

Sense 2
burdenless, unburdened -- (not encumbered with a physical burden or load)
       => unencumbered (vs. encumbered) -- (free of encumbrance; "inherited an unencumbered estate")

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