Antonyms of adj unintended

1 sense of unintended

Sense 1
unintended (vs. intended) -- (not deliberate)

intended (vs. unintended) -- (resulting from one's intentions; "your intended trip abroad"; "an intended insult")
        => conscious, witting -- (intentionally conceived; "a conscious effort to speak more slowly"; "a conscious policy")
        => deliberate, calculated, measured -- (carefully thought out in advance; "a calculated insult"; "with measured irony")
        => intentional, knowing -- (characterized by conscious design or purpose; "intentional damage"; "a knowing attempt to defraud"; "a willful waste of time")
        => well-intentioned, well-meaning, well-meant -- (marked by good intentions though often producing unfortunate results; "a well-intentioned but clumsy waiter"; "a well-meaning but tactless fellow"; "the son's well-meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father's admirers"- S.W.Maughm; "blunt but well-meant criticism")

Similarity of adj unintended

1 sense of unintended

Sense 1
unintended (vs. intended) -- (not deliberate)
       => accidental, inadvertent -- (happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally ; "with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table"; "accidental poisoning"; "an accidental shooting")
       => causeless, fortuitous, uncaused -- (having no cause or apparent cause; "a causeless miracle"; "fortuitous encounters--strange accidents of fortune"; "we cannot regard artistic invention as...uncaused and unrelated to the times")
       => unintentional, unplanned, unwitting -- (not done with purpose or intent; "an unintended slight"; "an unintentional pun"; "the offense was unintentional"; "an unwitting mistake may be overlooked")
          Also See-> unmotivated#1; unplanned#1

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