Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun junior

4 senses of junior

Sense 1
junior -- (term of address for a disrespectful and annoying male; "look here, junior, it's none of your business")
       => upstart, parvenu, nouveau-riche, arriviste -- (a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class)

Sense 2
junior -- (a third-year undergraduate)
       => lowerclassman, underclassman -- (an undergraduate who is not yet a senior)

Sense 3
junior -- (the younger of two persons; "she is two years my junior")
       => person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul -- (a human being; "there was too much for one person to do")

Sense 4
Junior, Jr, Jnr -- (a son who has the same first name as his father)
       => son, boy -- (a male human offspring; "their son became a famous judge"; "his boy is taller than he is")

Antonyms of adj junior

3 senses of junior

Sense 1
junior (vs. senior) -- (younger; lower in rank; shorter in length of tenure or service)

senior (vs. junior) -- (older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service; "senior officer")
        => elder, older, sr. -- (used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son; "Bill Adams, Sr.")
        => major (postnominal) -- (of the elder of two boys with the same family name; "Jones major")
        => precedential -- (having precedence (especially because of longer service); "precedential treatment for senior members of the firm")
        => ranking (prenominal), superior, higher-ranking -- (having a higher rank; "superior officer")

Sense 2
junior (prenominal), third-year, next-to-last -- (used of the third or next to final year in United States high school or college; "the junior class"; "a third-year student")

INDIRECT (VIA intermediate) -> terminal -- (being or situated at an end; "the endmost pillar"; "terminal buds on a branch"; "a terminal station"; "the terminal syllable")

Sense 3
junior -- (including or intended for youthful persons; "a junior sports league"; "junior fashions")

INDIRECT (VIA young) -> old -- ((used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age; "his mother is very old"; "a ripe old age"; "how old are you?")

Similarity of adj junior

3 senses of junior

Sense 1
junior (vs. senior) -- (younger; lower in rank; shorter in length of tenure or service)
       => junior-grade, lower-ranking, lowly, petty (prenominal), secondary, subaltern -- (inferior in rank or status; "the junior faculty"; "a lowly corporal"; "petty officialdom"; "a subordinate functionary")
       => minor (postnominal) -- (of the younger of two boys with the same family name; "Jones minor")
       => younger, jr. -- (used of the younger of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a son from his father; "John Junior"; "John Smith, Jr.")
          Also See-> young#1, immature#2; subordinate#2

Sense 2
junior (prenominal), third-year, next-to-last -- (used of the third or next to final year in United States high school or college; "the junior class"; "a third-year student")
       => intermediate (vs. terminal) -- (lying between two extremes in time or space or state; "going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands"; "intermediate stages in a process"; "intermediate stops on the route"; "an intermediate range plane")

Sense 3
junior -- (including or intended for youthful persons; "a junior sports league"; "junior fashions")
       => young (vs. old), immature -- ((used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth; "young people")

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