Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun chosen

3 senses of chosen

Sense 1
chosen -- (one who is the object of choice; who is given preference; "she was Mama's chosen")
       => darling, favorite, favourite, pet, dearie, deary, ducky -- (a special loved one)

Sense 2
Chosen -- (the name for Korea as a Japanese province (1910-1945))
       INSTANCE OF=> Korea, Korean Peninsula, Dae-Han-Min-Gook, Han-Gook -- (an Asian peninsula (off Manchuria) separating the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan; the Korean name is Dae-Han-Min-Gook or Han-Gook)

Sense 3
chosen, elect -- (an exclusive group of people; "one of the elect who have power inside the government")
       => elite, elite group -- (a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status)

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb choose

3 senses of choose

Sense 1
choose, take, select, pick out -- (pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her")
       => decide, make up one's mind, determine -- (reach, make, or come to a decision about something; "We finally decided after lengthy deliberations")

Sense 2
choose, prefer, opt -- (select as an alternative over another; "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"; "She opted for the job on the East coast")

Sense 3
choose -- (see fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way; "She chose not to attend classes and now she failed the exam")
       => evaluate, pass judgment, judge -- (form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people")

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