Antonyms of noun engagement

1 of 7 senses of engagement

Sense 7
engagement, participation, involvement, involution -- (the act of sharing in the activities of a group; "the teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities")
       Antonym of non-engagement (Sense 1)
      => non-engagement, nonparticipation, non-involvement -- (withdrawing from the activities of a group)

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun engagement

7 senses of engagement

Sense 1
battle, conflict, fight, engagement -- (a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war; "Grant won a decisive victory in the battle of Chickamauga"; "he lost his romantic ideas about war when he got into a real engagement")
       => military action, action -- (a military engagement; "he saw action in Korea")

Sense 2
date, appointment, engagement -- (a meeting arranged in advance; "she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date")
       => meeting, get together -- (a small informal social gathering; "there was an informal meeting in my living room")

Sense 3
betrothal, troth, engagement -- (a mutual promise to marry)
       => promise -- (a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do (or not to do) something in the future)

Sense 4
employment, engagement -- (the act of giving someone a job)
       => action -- (something done (usually as opposed to something said); "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions")

Sense 5
engagement, booking -- (employment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time; "the play had bookings throughout the summer")
       => employment, work -- (the occupation for which you are paid; "he is looking for employment"; "a lot of people are out of work")

Sense 6
engagement, mesh, meshing, interlocking -- (contact by fitting together; "the engagement of the clutch"; "the meshing of gears")
       => contact, impinging, striking -- (the physical coming together of two or more things; "contact with the pier scraped paint from the hull")

Sense 7
engagement, participation, involvement, involution -- (the act of sharing in the activities of a group; "the teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities")
       => group action -- (action taken by a group of people)

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