Antonyms of adj identical

5 senses of identical

Sense 1
identical, indistinguishable -- (exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different; "rows of identical houses"; "cars identical except for their license plates"; "they wore indistinguishable hats")

INDIRECT (VIA same) -> different -- (unlike in nature or quality or form or degree; "took different approaches to the problem"; "came to a different conclusion"; "different parts of the country"; "on different sides of the issue"; "this meeting was different from the earlier one")

Sense 2
identical, selfsame (prenominal), very (prenominal) -- (being the exact same one; not any other:; "this is the identical room we stayed in before"; "the themes of his stories are one and the same"; "saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers"; "on this very spot"; "the very thing he said yesterday"; "the very man I want to see")

INDIRECT (VIA same) -> other -- (not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied; "today isn't any other day"- the White Queen; "the construction of highways and other public works"; "he asked for other employment"; "any other person would tell the truth"; "his other books are still in storage"; "then we looked at the other house"; "hearing was good in his other ear"; "the other sex"; "she lived on the other side of the street from me"; "went in the other direction")

Sense 3
identical (vs. fraternal), monovular -- ((of twins) derived from a single egg or ovum; "identical twins are monovular")

fraternal (vs. identical), biovular -- ((of twins) derived from two separate fertilized ova; "fraternal twins are biovular")

Sense 4
identical -- (having properties with uniform values along all axes)

INDIRECT (VIA isotropic) -> anisotropic -- (not invariant with respect to direction; "anisotropic crystals")

Sense 5
identical, superposable -- (coinciding exactly when superimposed; "identical triangles")

INDIRECT (VIA congruent) -> incongruent -- (not congruent)

Similarity of adj identical

5 senses of identical

Sense 1
identical, indistinguishable -- (exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different; "rows of identical houses"; "cars identical except for their license plates"; "they wore indistinguishable hats")
       => same (vs. different) -- (closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "two girls of the same age"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"; "animals of the same species"; "the same rules as before"; "two boxes having the same dimensions"; "the same day next year")

Sense 2
identical, selfsame (prenominal), very (prenominal) -- (being the exact same one; not any other:; "this is the identical room we stayed in before"; "the themes of his stories are one and the same"; "saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers"; "on this very spot"; "the very thing he said yesterday"; "the very man I want to see")
       => same (vs. other) -- (same in identity; "the same man I saw yesterday"; "never wore the same dress twice"; "this road is the same one we were on yesterday"; "on the same side of the street")

Sense 3
identical (vs. fraternal), monovular -- ((of twins) derived from a single egg or ovum; "identical twins are monovular")

Sense 4
identical -- (having properties with uniform values along all axes)
       => isotropic (vs. anisotropic), isotropous -- (invariant with respect to direction)

Sense 5
identical, superposable -- (coinciding exactly when superimposed; "identical triangles")
       => congruent (vs. incongruent) -- (coinciding when superimposed)

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