Antonyms of adj impressive

2 senses of impressive

Sense 1
impressive (vs. unimpressive) -- (making a strong or vivid impression; "an impressive ceremony")

unimpressive (vs. impressive) -- (not capable of impressing)
        => unimposing -- (lacking in impressiveness; "on the whole the results of this system are unimposing")

Sense 2
impressive, telling -- (producing a strong effect; "gave an impressive performance as Othello"; "a telling gesture")

INDIRECT (VIA effective) -> ineffective, uneffective, ineffectual -- (not producing an intended effect; "an ineffective teacher"; "ineffective legislation")

Similarity of adj impressive

2 senses of impressive

Sense 1
impressive (vs. unimpressive) -- (making a strong or vivid impression; "an impressive ceremony")
       => amazing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing -- (inspiring awe or admiration or wonder; "New York is an amazing city"; "the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"; "the awesome complexity of the universe"; "this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath"- Melville; "Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent")
       => arresting, sensational, stunning -- (commanding attention; "an arresting drawing of people turning into animals"; "a sensational concert--one never to be forgotten"; "a stunning performance")
       => astonishing, astounding, staggering, stupefying -- (so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; "such an enormous response was astonishing"; "an astounding achievement"; "the amount of money required was staggering"; "suffered a staggering defeat"; "the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying")
       => baronial, imposing, noble, stately -- (impressive in appearance; "a baronial mansion"; "an imposing residence"; "a noble tree"; "severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses"; "stately columns")
       => dazzling, eye-popping, fulgurant, fulgurous -- (amazingly impressive; suggestive of the flashing of lightning; "the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps"; "these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth"- Janet Flanner; "adventures a style both vivid and fulgurous"- Idwal Jones)
       => dramatic, spectacular, striking -- (sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect; "a dramatic sunset"; "a dramatic pause"; "a spectacular display of northern lights"; "it was a spectacular play"; "his striking good looks always created a sensation")
       => expansive, grand, heroic -- (of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope; "an expansive lifestyle"; "in the grand manner"; "collecting on a grand scale"; "heroic undertakings")
       => formidable -- (extremely impressive in strength or excellence; "a formidable opponent"; "the challenge was formidable"; "had a formidable array of compositions to his credit"; "the formidable army of brains at the Prime Minister's disposal")
       => gallant, lofty, majestic, proud -- (having or displaying great dignity or nobility; "a gallant pageant"; "lofty ships"; "majestic cities"; "proud alpine peaks")
       => brilliant, glorious, magnificent, splendid -- (characterized by grandeur; "the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony")
       => grandiose -- (impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval)
       => important-looking -- (impressive in appearance)
       => mind-boggling -- (intellectually or emotionally overwhelming; "a mind-boggling display"; "a mind-boggling puzzle")
       => palatial -- (suitable for or like a palace; "palatial furnishings"; "a palatial yacht")
       => signal -- (notably out of the ordinary; "the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party")
       => thundering -- (extraordinarily big or impressive; "a thundering success"; "the thundering silence of what was left unsaid")
          Also See-> moving#2

Sense 2
impressive, telling -- (producing a strong effect; "gave an impressive performance as Othello"; "a telling gesture")
       => effective (vs. ineffective), effectual, efficacious -- (producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect; "an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch's broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation"-LewisMumford; "effective teaching methods"; "effective steps toward peace"; "made an effective entrance"; "his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action"; "an efficacious law")

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