Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun personal

1 sense of personal

Sense 1
personal -- (a short newspaper article about a particular person or group)
       => news article, news story, newspaper article -- (an article reporting news)

Antonyms of adj personal

3 of 5 senses of personal

Sense 1
personal (vs. impersonal) -- (concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality; "a personal favor"; "for your personal use"; "personal papers"; "I have something personal to tell you"; "a personal God"; "he has his personal bank account and she has hers")

impersonal (vs. personal) -- (not relating to or responsive to individual persons; "an impersonal corporation"; "an impersonal remark")
        => nonpersonal -- (lacking personality; "nonpersonal forces")

Sense 2
personal -- (particular to a given individual)

INDIRECT (VIA subjective) -> objective, nonsubjective -- (undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena; "an objective appraisal"; "objective evidence")

Sense 4
personal -- (intimately concerning a person's body or physical being; "personal hygiene")

INDIRECT (VIA physical) -> mental -- (involving the mind or an intellectual process; "mental images of happy times"; "mental calculations"; "in a terrible mental state"; "mental suffering"; "free from mental defects")

Similarity of adj personal

5 senses of personal

Sense 1
personal (vs. impersonal) -- (concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality; "a personal favor"; "for your personal use"; "personal papers"; "I have something personal to tell you"; "a personal God"; "he has his personal bank account and she has hers")
       => ad hominem -- (appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason); "ad hominem arguments")
       => face-to-face -- (in each other's presence; "a face-to-face encounter")
       => individual (prenominal), private -- (concerning one person exclusively; "we all have individual cars"; "each room has a private bath")
       => individualized, individualised, personalized, personalised -- (made for or directed or adjusted to a particular individual; "personalized luggage"; "personalized advice")
       => in-person, in the flesh (predicate) -- (an appearance carried out personally in someone else's physical presence; "he carried out the negotiations in person"; "a personal appearance is an appearance by a person in the flesh")
       => own (prenominal), ain -- (belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive; "for your own use"; "do your own thing"; "she makes her own clothes"; "`ain' is Scottish")
       => personalized -- (pointedly referring to or concerning a person's individual personality or intimate affairs especially offensively; "unnecessarily personalized remarks")
       => person-to-person -- (involving direct communication or contact between persons or parties; "a person-to-person interview"; "person-to-person telephone calls")
       => private -- (concerning things deeply private and personal; "private correspondence"; "private family matters")
          Also See-> private#1

Sense 2
personal -- (particular to a given individual)
       => subjective (vs. objective) -- (taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias; "a subjective judgment")

Sense 3
personal -- (of or arising from personality; "personal magnetism")

Sense 4
personal -- (intimately concerning a person's body or physical being; "personal hygiene")
       => physical (vs. mental) -- (involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit; "physical exercise"; "physical suffering"; "was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance")

Sense 5
personal -- (indicating grammatical person; "personal verb endings")

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