Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb quit

5 senses of quit

Sense 1
discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit, lay off -- (put an end to a state or an activity; "Quit teasing your little brother")

Sense 2
leave office, quit, step down, resign -- (give up or retire from a position; "The Secretary of the Navy will leave office next month"; "The chairman resigned over the financial scandal")
       => leave, depart, pull up stakes -- (remove oneself from an association with or participation in; "She wants to leave"; "The teenager left home"; "She left her position with the Red Cross"; "He left the Senate after two terms"; "after 20 years with the same company, she pulled up stakes")

Sense 3
depart, take leave, quit -- (go away or leave)
       => leave, go forth, go away -- (go away from a place; "At what time does your train leave?"; "She didn't leave until midnight"; "The ship leaves at midnight")

Sense 4
foreswear, renounce, quit, relinquish -- (turn away from; give up; "I am foreswearing women forever")
       => abandon, give up -- (give up with the intent of never claiming again; "Abandon your life to God"; "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti"; "We gave the drowning victim up for dead")

Sense 5
drop out, give up, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge -- (give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat; "In the second round, the challenger gave up")

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