Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun utterer

3 senses of utterer

Sense 1
utterer, vocalizer, vocaliser -- (an organism that can utter vocal sounds; "an utterer of foul oaths"; "is the giraffe a vocalizer?")
       => organism, being -- (a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently)

Sense 2
utterer -- (someone who circulates forged banknotes or counterfeit coins)
       => deceiver, cheat, cheater, trickster, beguiler, slicker -- (someone who leads you to believe something that is not true)

Sense 3
speaker, talker, utterer, verbalizer, verbaliser -- (someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous); "the speaker at commencement"; "an utterer of useful maxims")
       => articulator -- (someone who pronounces words)

Antonyms of adj utter

2 senses of utter

Sense 1
arrant (prenominal), complete (prenominal), consummate (prenominal), double-dyed (prenominal), everlasting (prenominal), gross (prenominal), perfect (prenominal), pure (prenominal), sodding (prenominal), stark (prenominal), staring (prenominal), thoroughgoing (prenominal), utter (prenominal), unadulterated -- (without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers; "an arrant fool"; "a complete coward"; "a consummate fool"; "a double-dyed villain"; "gross negligence"; "a perfect idiot"; "pure folly"; "what a sodding mess"; "stark staring mad"; "a thoroughgoing villain"; "utter nonsense"; "the unadulterated truth")

INDIRECT (VIA unmitigated) -> mitigated -- (made less severe or intense; "he gladly accepted the mitigated penalty")

Sense 2
dead (prenominal), utter -- (complete; "came to a dead stop"; "utter seriousness")

INDIRECT (VIA complete) -> incomplete, uncomplete -- (not complete or total; not completed; "an incomplete account of his life"; "political consequences of incomplete military success"; "an incomplete forward pass")

Similarity of adj utter

2 senses of utter

Sense 1
arrant (prenominal), complete (prenominal), consummate (prenominal), double-dyed (prenominal), everlasting (prenominal), gross (prenominal), perfect (prenominal), pure (prenominal), sodding (prenominal), stark (prenominal), staring (prenominal), thoroughgoing (prenominal), utter (prenominal), unadulterated -- (without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers; "an arrant fool"; "a complete coward"; "a consummate fool"; "a double-dyed villain"; "gross negligence"; "a perfect idiot"; "pure folly"; "what a sodding mess"; "stark staring mad"; "a thoroughgoing villain"; "utter nonsense"; "the unadulterated truth")
       => unmitigated (vs. mitigated) -- (not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier; "unmitigated suffering"; "an unmitigated horror"; "an unmitigated lie")

Sense 2
dead (prenominal), utter -- (complete; "came to a dead stop"; "utter seriousness")
       => complete (vs. incomplete) -- (having every necessary or normal part or component or step; "a complete meal"; "a complete wardrobe"; "a complete set of the Britannica"; "a complete set of china"; "a complete defeat"; "a complete accounting")

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