Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun go

4 senses of go

Sense 1
go, spell, tour, turn -- (a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else); "it's my go"; "a spell of work")
       => shift, work shift, duty period -- (the time period during which you are at work)

Sense 2
Adam, ecstasy, XTC, go, disco biscuit, cristal, X, hug drug -- (street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine)
       => methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA -- (a stimulant drug that is chemically related to mescaline and amphetamine and is used illicitly for its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects; it was formerly used in psychotherapy but in 1985 it was declared illegal in the United States; "MDMA is often used at parties because it enables partygoers to remain active for long periods of time")

Sense 3
crack, fling, go, pass, whirl, offer -- (a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl")
       => attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try -- (earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; "made an effort to cover all the reading material"; "wished him luck in his endeavor"; "she gave it a good try")

Sense 4
go, go game -- (a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters)
       => board game -- (a game played on a specially designed board)

Antonyms of verb go

1 of 30 senses of go

Sense 3
go, go away, depart -- (move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon")
       Antonym of come (Sense 1)
      => come, come up -- (move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room")

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb go

30 senses of go

Sense 1
travel, go, move, locomote -- (change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast")
          Phrasal Verb-> go on#3; go up#5; go by#1; go off#1; go out#5; go by#2; go up#1; go down#2; go down#7; go down#1; go under#1; go on#4; go around#2

Sense 2
go, proceed, move -- (follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther in this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through diplomatic channels")
       => act, move -- (perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel")

Sense 3
go, go away, depart -- (move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon")
       => exit, go out, get out, leave -- (move out of or depart from; "leave the room"; "the fugitive has left the country")

Sense 4
become, go, get -- (enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went into ecstasy"; "Get going!")
       => change state, turn -- (undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election")

Sense 5
go -- (be awarded; be allotted; "The first prize goes to Mary"; "Her money went on clothes")

Sense 6
run, go -- (have a particular form; "the story or argument runs as follows"; "as the saying goes...")
       => be -- (have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer")

Sense 7
run, go, pass, lead, extend -- (stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets")
       => be -- (occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?")

Sense 8
proceed, go -- (follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did your interview go?")
       => happen, hap, go on, pass off, occur, pass, fall out, come about, take place -- (come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important")

Sense 9
go -- (be abolished or discarded; "These ugly billboards have to go!"; "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge")
       => disappear, vanish, go away -- (get lost, as without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace")

Sense 10
go -- (be or continue to be in a certain condition; "The children went hungry that day")
       => be -- (have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer")

Sense 11
sound, go -- (make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'")
       => cause to be perceived -- (have perceptible qualities)

Sense 12
function, work, operate, go, run -- (perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore")

Sense 13
run low, run short, go -- (to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest")
       => end, stop, finish, terminate, cease -- (have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical; "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"; "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"; "My property ends by the bushes"; "The symphony ends in a pianissimo")

Sense 14
move, go, run -- (progress by being changed; "The speech has to go through several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before the meeting")
       => change -- (undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night")

Sense 15
survive, last, live, live on, go, endure, hold up, hold out -- (continue to live through hardship or adversity; "We went without water and food for 3 days"; "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents"; "how long can a person last without food and water?")

Sense 16
go -- (pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action; "How is it going?"; "The day went well until I got your call")
          Phrasal Verb-> go with#2

Sense 17
die, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop off, choke, croak, snuff it -- (pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102")
       => change state, turn -- (undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election")

Sense 18
belong, go -- (be in the right place or situation; "Where do these books belong?"; "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"; "Where do these books go?")
       => be -- (occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?")

Sense 19
go -- (be ranked or compare; "This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go")
       => compare -- (be comparable; "This car does not compare with our line of Mercedes")

Sense 20
start, go, get going -- (begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set, go!")

Sense 21
move, go -- (have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?")

Sense 22
go -- (be contained in; "How many times does 18 go into 54?")

Sense 23
go -- (be sounded, played, or expressed; "How does this song go again?")

Sense 24
blend, go, blend in -- (blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs")
       => harmonize, harmonise, consort, accord, concord, fit in, agree -- (go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded")

Sense 25
go, lead -- (lead, extend, or afford access; "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South")
       => be -- (occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?")

Sense 26
fit, go -- (be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle")
       => fit -- (conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?")

Sense 27
rifle, go -- (go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way; "Who rifled through my desk drawers?")
       => search -- (subject to a search; "The police searched the suspect"; "We searched the whole house for the missing keys")

Sense 28
go -- (be spent; "All my money went for food and rent")

Sense 29
plump, go -- (give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number; "I plumped for the losing candidates")
       => choose, take, select, pick out -- (pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her")

Sense 30
fail, go bad, give way, die, give out, conk out, go, break, break down -- (stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident")
       => change -- (undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night")

Antonyms of adj go

1 sense of go

Sense 1
go (vs. no-go) -- (functioning correctly and ready for action; "all systems are go")

no-go (vs. go) -- (not functioning properly or in suitable condition for proceeding; "the space launch was no-go")

Similarity of adj go

1 sense of go

Sense 1
go (vs. no-go) -- (functioning correctly and ready for action; "all systems are go")
       => a-ok (predicate), a-okay (predicate) -- (in perfect condition or order)

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