Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of noun lighting

4 senses of lighting

Sense 1
light, lighting -- (having abundant light or illumination; "they played as long as it was light"; "as long as the lighting was good")
       => illumination -- (the degree of visibility of your environment)

Sense 2
lighting -- (apparatus for supplying artificial light effects for the stage or a film)
       => apparatus, setup -- (equipment designed to serve a specific function)

Sense 3
lighting -- (the craft of providing artificial light; "an interior decorator must understand lighting")
       => interior decoration, interior design -- (the trade of planning the layout and furnishings of an architectural interior)

Sense 4
ignition, firing, lighting, kindling, inflammation -- (the act of setting something on fire)
       => burning, combustion -- (the act of burning something; "the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance")

Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency) of verb light

6 senses of light

Sense 1
light, illume, illumine, light up, illuminate -- (make lighter or brighter; "This lamp lightens the room a bit")
       => lighten, lighten up -- (become lighter; "The room lightened up")

Sense 2
light up, fire up, light -- (begin to smoke; "After the meal, some of the diners lit up")
       => ignite, light -- (cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat; "Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter"; "Light a cigarette")

Sense 3
alight, light, perch -- (to come to rest, settle; "Misfortune lighted upon him")
       => land, set down -- (reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul")

Sense 4
ignite, light -- (cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat; "Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter"; "Light a cigarette")
       => burn, combust -- (cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels")

Sense 5
fall, light -- (fall to somebody by assignment or lot; "The task fell to me"; "It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims")
       => fall, return, pass, devolve -- (be inherited by; "The estate fell to my sister"; "The land returned to the family"; "The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead")

Sense 6
unhorse, dismount, light, get off, get down -- (alight from (a horse))
       => descend, fall, go down, come down -- (move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again")

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